Experimenting with a Canon EOS 5Ds R dSLR + MP E Macro 65mm F2/.8 + Angle Finder C + MT-26EX-RT Macro Twin Lite

It was a perfect weekend to get outside and experiment with my macro photography kit. I wanted to play around with the new Canon MT-26EX-RT Macro Twin Lite Flash that I recently added to my gear. I wanted to practice how the lighting ratio between the twin flashheads works. I also need practice with the macro lens I’ve had for a number of years.

Using the MP E Macro 65mm F2/.8 lens is rather tricky. Its focus distance is super close to the lens element. At 1X zoom it’s around 100mm, and at 5x zoom it can only focus on something 41mm away! That means you can easily bump your subject, and just trying to find your subject in the first place can be a challenge. The tiny depth of field gets extra tricky as I look through an Angle Finder C, which is a periscope-like device that attaches to the viewfinder. It’s sort of like diving into the unknown as I try to find focus. This lens is all manual, so you adjust focus by moving the camera back and forth.

Thankfully I have had a lot of practice at yoga and meditation. I find myself seated, or sprawled in some odd postures as I capture macro images. The constant wind, and tiny depth of field, and short focal distance all combine creating a real challenge. Even my heartbeat and breathing moves my focal points. The process of settling down, sinking into a tiny world, and hunting for life seems to satisfy me.